domingo, 17 de diciembre de 2017

¡Cuidado cos los rateros! sobre todo por la Rambla de Oria

Durante estos días previos a la Navidad los vecinos ingleses de nucleos diseminados están denunciando en la Redes Sociales varios robos que se han cometido como el de la Rambla de Oria. Desde aquí queremos prevenir compartiendo la misma infformación que ellos reporducen por si alguien ve algo sospechoso pueda denunciarlo.
Stolen please keep your eyes and ears open police have been informed ,these are very identifiable ,vin numbers with police plus many parts easily identifiable.

Xmas is coming. Time of year for burglaries, Watch out!!
Had these people at our gate today on outskirts of Albox.
Who would have a good look in a van window and peer through the gates BEFORE ringing the bell.. Casing the joint I think.. Bearing in mind we live up a dead end drive.. No reason for them to be there. Very funny though, watch her run when the 3 guard dogs spot her..
There were 4 Spanish women, 50-60yo possibly gypsies, spotted later in a small white van C15D with rear side windows which is unusual. and a grey/green Citroen Xsara which I have the registration plates of both.

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